Our Ebbs & Flows
Daily wellness is living well, and our body, mind and spirit will tell us when we are not aligned, out of sync, or needing something to shift.
As human beings, we like consistency and routine, but we also like variety; change every so often can be really good! —we are ever-evolving beings!
Taking brief breaks to reset are also beneficial.
We like changing up our adaptogen blend every 3-4 months as per the body’s varying ebbs, flows, and needs, and working with you to do so.
We recommend taking a day off from your adaptogens each week, and using the extra doses to double dose when you’re under excess stress, under the weather, or when everyone around you is.
These little breaks and shifts really allow the herbs to take an even deeper effect in your system, developing an evolving and intimate relationship with your blends’ plants & mushrooms.