
“We should write because it is human nature to write. Writing claims our world. It makes it directly and specifically our own. We should write because humans are spiritual beings and writing is a powerful form of prayer and meditation, connecting us both to our own insights and to a higher and deeper level of inner guidance. We should write because writing brings clarity and passion to the act of living. Writing is sensual, experiential, grounding. We should write because writing is good for the soul. We should write because writing yields us a body of work, a felt path through the world we live in. We should write, above all, because we are writers, whether we call ourselves that or not.”

―Julia Cameron from her book, ‘The Artists Way.’

We like to write in the morning— with our tea ceremony, or adaptogenic elixir alongside us, candle lit, no sound but the birds’ hello morning chirps, and a touch of incense in the air. 

Write daily, with a set of prompts or a prompt; write stream-of-conscious, write a list, write what you need/want/gives you joy/must be released/feel gratitude for, etc etc etc. 

Dedicate this slow and quiet morning practice to your Self, as an act of endless and unconditional love. 

Anoint Daily

Small-batch adaptogens & botanicals for daily radiance inside & out.


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